Heavenly Mansion

Group: Herbaceous Hybrid

Year Registered: 2018

Breeder/registrant: Anderson R. F. / Swenson Gardens

Parentage: x

Registration description:
Official registration can be found at: The American Peony Society

Seedling No. RAHS 8. Parentage unknown. First year bloomed 2013, first propagated 2013. Early/midseason bloom period. Flower-in-flower DOUBLE, may present as SEMI-DOUBLE. One flower per stem, 5½ inches (14 cm.), red. Rounded petals cupped, notched. Stamens and pollen, filaments yellow throughout. Staminodes also present, variable but generally red, edged yellow. Average of 3 carpels, green. Stigmas pink, of normal anatomy. Seeds not observed. Fragrant. Early foliage burgundy to green. Broad pointed foliage, upright growth habit, average height 24-26 inches (61-66 cm).


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