Majesty’s Dessert

Group: Herbaceous Hybrid

Year Registered: 2017

Breeder/registrant: Anderson R. F. / Swenson Gardens

Parentage: x

Registration description:
Official registration can be found at: The American Peony Society

Swenson Garden’s seedling No. RNH-03. Parentage: Unnamed Anderson seedlings. First bloomed 2013; first propagated 2016. SINGLE. Two flowers per stem, 5 inches (13 cm) in size. Cream in bud and on opening, but matures to white. Average width of guards 2 inches (5 cm). Average of 2 carpels, green, very hairy, with pink stigmas of normal anatomy. Pollen bearing stamens, filaments cream throughout. Seeds. Fragrance. Foliage green on emergence. Height to 24 inches (61 cm), upright self-supporting growth habit.


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