Majesty’s Star

Group: HH

Year Registered: 2014

Breeder/registrant: Anderson / Swenson

Parentage: unknown x unknown

Registration description:
Official registration can be found at: The American Peony Society

Swenson Garden’s seedling No. 155. Parentage: from unspecified Roger Anderson seedlings. SEMI-DOUBLE. Flowers open salmon pink then fade to a soft blush as they mature. Blooms are 8 inches (20 cm) in size, one per stem. Guard petals shallowly notched and somewhat folded, giving a pointed appearance. Carpels 6 in number, sparsely hairy, creamy green, with pale yellow stigmas. Pollen bearing stamens and seeds, no fragrance. Early midseason bloom. Height to 28 inches (70 cm), narrow upright self-supporting growth habit.


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