Hong Fen Jia Ren

Group: Lactiflora

Year Registered: 2015

Breeder/registrant: Jun Tao and Daqiu Zhao

Parentage: unknown x unknown

Registration description:
Official registration can be found at: The American Peony Society

Seedling number 16, held in the germplasm repository of the Horticulture and Plant Protection College, Yangzhou University. Parentage unknown. First year bloomed 2009; first propagated 2010. SINGLE. Flower size 5¼ inches (13¼ cm). Two rows of pink guard petals (RHS 64D) are rounded with each petal having a deep notch. One flower per stem. Carpels 3 to 4 in number, are greyish green, smooth, with dark pink (RHS 67B) stigmas having normal morphology. Has pollen and seeds. Has fragrance. Stems to 36 inches (91cm) in height. Tall stems tend to a slightly spreading growth habit, but additional support not needed. Foliage narrow pointed.


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