Parentage: Lactiflora ‘Gertrude Allen’ x Lutea Hybrid ‘Alice Harding’. Midseason to Late Midseason, Flowers 6 inches; Semi-double, white, cupped petals form a symmetrical bowl, mostly one per stem. Carpels light blue-green, with soft pink stigmas. Sheath milk-white. The foliage is typical of the hybrid group, intermediate in form between the parent groups; low medium bush (30 inches) is dark green, outfacing flowers are presented on strong stems extended beyond the foliage, both upward and outward. The plant appeared about 1990 as a branch sport of our yellow flower seedling, 926, parentage (‘Gertrude Allen’ x Lutea Hybrid ‘Alice Harding’). By subsequent division the white flowered form is believed isolated, not a chimera. This one is now numbered 926.2 and the original 926.1. No fertility has been noted.


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