
Group: HH

Year Registered: 2009

Breeder/registrant: Ménard / D’Aoust

Parentage: unknown x unknown

Registration description:
Official registration can be found at: The American Peony Society

Seedling # MM2000-1. Parentage unknown, but it is an advanced generation hybrid. First propagated 2004. SINGLE. The flowers are globe shaped with a high degree of symmetry, pale pink (RHS 55B), typically 4½-5 inches (12 cm) across with smoothly rounded petals, slightly ruffled on the edges, having mid purple-pink flares (RHS 72C). The petals fade to very pale pink though the flares remain clearly visible. Normally one, occasionally two flowers per stem, no fragrance. Average of two carpels with mid pink stigmas. Stamens are long (1½ inches (40mm)), touched red at the base of the filaments. Anthers are slightly twisted but pollen is viable and it will produce seeds. Well developed and complete disc, pale pink in color. Dense upright mid green foliage, broad pointed leaflets, stems to 36 inches (90 cm).Trichomes (hairs) are clearly visible on the reverse of the foliage though the stems are glaborous (smooth). The plant does not require support. It flowers Early/Mid season, approximately the same time as ‘1, own translation:<br /> 'Red Charm' (Glasscock, USA, 1944) (P. lactiflora x P. officinalis) Flowers dark red, very large, double, centre filled with many deep red petaloids, surrounded by two circles of large petals; leaves rather large, dull green; upperside somewhat irregular; height 100 cm; stems rather sturdy; number of stems mediocre. This American cultivar is remarkable thanks to its magnificent colour and the enormously large flowers, which need support to remain upright, despite the plant having sturdy stems. The mediocre number of stems and the development of so called 'necks' on the roots inhibited propagation and distribution at large scale for some time. 'Red Charm' is reportedly somewhat susceptible toward botrytis, which was also noted by the review commission. It is a good garden plant, despite some negative characteristics.</p> <p> </p> </div>" href="">Red Charm’. Named in honor of Frère Marie-Victorin (1885-1944), noted Québec botanist and founder of the Jardin botanique de Montréal. The peony was presented in Montréal to the Jardin during the 12th annual show of the Canadian Peony Society.

  1. Kortmann, J. "Paeonia: pioen." In: <em>Dendroflora</em>, 1998, vol 35, pp 58-95.[]


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