Mass production of hybrids
Archive for category: Hybridizing
When missing a green thumb
Some Hybrid Peonies (by A.P. Saunders, 1941)
The Peony Society - - - Editor's pick, Hybridizing, hybridizing, saunders - 0A follow-up, 15 years in the making.
Some new hybrid peonies (by A.P. Saunders, 1926)
The Peony Society - - - Hybridizing, Magazine, hybridizing, peonies, saunders - 0A.P. Saunders: his works, his words...
Borst brings own cultivars
The Peony Society - - - Hybridizing, Magazine, People, cut flowers, Holland, hybridizing, Netherlands - 0From flower to flower
Fertile shrub hybrids: diploids or tetraploids?
The Peony Society - - - Hybridizing, hybridizing, moutan, Paeonia x suffruticosa, shrubby peony, tree peony, woody peony - 0Getting rid of the "lutea hook".
Peony breeding philosophy
Paul - - - Hybridizing - 6"Paeony" hybridizing in New Zealand.
Pink double fernleafs
The Peony Society - - - Editor's pick, Hybridizing, hybridizing, Paeonia tenuifolia - 3Now for something very new and distinct: double pink paeonia tenuifolia cultivars.
P. coriacea is a species which grows in the mountains in both the south of Spain (Sierra Nevada) and...
Red Windflower
The Peony Society - - - Hybridizing - 2Peony Addicts, Red Windflower (RW) is registered — APS 1986-96 Checklist, pp 22,23. Sdlg 76LSW-3. Laddie x Sparkling Windflower,...
A very distinct peony with very beautiful foliage and nodding flowers. Very floriferous and fast growing. In the Peony...
Anybody can learn to hybridize peonies!
Is it a step towards black or blue?
What's that different peony over there?