For most peonistas it will already be known, but in case you may have missed the latest major event in the peony world: what once used to be the Walhalla for any peony lover, but became a desolate place the last decade, the ‘Web Project Paeonia’ by Carsten Burkhardt, is again being updated.
The site, at , features an extensive peony cultivar database which includes both registered and unregistered cultivars. Many descriptions are added from various sources (sometimes in other languages) and it also includes a lot of images. The species (and their myriad synonyms) are also included in the database. Next to that there’s a literature overview, with many articles and books to be read online. A list of hybridizers and their plants is another listing on the site, mostly including the parents of the plants. Professor Saunders’ notebooks can be read online for those wanting to hybridize beyond lactifloras. It has always been a site that keeps on surprising, you can keep on browsing it and find that it’s impossible to read all that’s available there.
To fill in the last 10 years of peony cultivars and literature is a work that might seem overwhelming, but since Carsten was able to create his vast site in the past, we are very optimistic that he will succeed and from our side we wish him all the best in his endeavour. You can contact Carsten on this site in the forum or send him private messages. It’s also possible to contact him through his own website.